Kita dapat menjumpai banyak vitamin c dalam kehidupan sehari-hari baik di swalayan-swalayan atau di toko-toko, disana vitamin c dijual dengan harga yang cukup murah. Banyak sediaan yang ditawarkan, mulai dari kadarnya ada yang 500 mg ada juga yang 1000 mg, ada yang rasa jeruk, atau rasa anggur, melon, strawbery,dll. Bentuknya ada bermacam-macam pula ada yang berupa tablet murni, ada yang berupa tablet effervescent ( harus diendam air dulu, setelah itu airnya bisa diminum ) sampai yang berupa sirup dengan berbagai macam rasa yang siap diteguk. Apakah perlu kita mengkonsumsinya ?
Sebenarnya yang dimaksud vit c adalah asam ascorbat, vitamin ini mempunyai sifat yang larut dalam air, karena sifatnya yang larut air ini maka tubuh kita tidak bisa lama-lama menyimpannya, karena itu kita membutuhkan suplai vitamin c yang cukup setiap hari. Sebenarnya apabila kita makan sehari-hari mengikuti pola makan yang seimbang, pasti kita tidak akan kekurangan vitamin c, karena banyak bahan makanan yang kaya akan kandungan vitamin c contohnya jeruk, pepaya, lada merah dan lada kuning, anggur, mangga, brokoli dan masih banyak lagi yang lain. Sedangkan kebutuhan vit c sehari hanya sekitar kurang lebih 45 mg sehari.
Trus apakah boleh kita minum vit c tambahan ?
Boleh-boleh aja kok, mengingat fungsi vitamin c yang sangat banyak antara lain sebagai antioksidan, berperan dalam pembentukan kolagen ( kolagen ini adalah protein yang turut membantu dalam pembentukan tulang, tulang rawan, otot dan pembuluh darah ). Selain itu fungsi vitamin c yang lain adalah membantu penyerapan zat besi, juga memelihara pembuluh darah kapiler, tulang serta gigi kita.
Seberapa banyak kita minum vitamin c ini, khan yang dijual ada yang sampai 1000 mg, apakah boleh yang ini ?, boleh aja tetapi harus diingat batas tertinggi yang masih bisa ditoleransi oleh tubuh adalah 2000 mg perhari.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Coronary Bypass Surgery For Coronary Artery Disease.
The most important organ of our body is the heart, because it was a functioning organ pumping blood to all our body. Blood that was pumped containing food substances and essential materials that are useful for the entire network of our body. So heart was assigned to give the blood circulation all through the body. How with the heart personally, it got the blood circulation that came from the coronary artery. This artery played a very important role for the heart, if the blood circulation that came from the coronary artery was disturbed, it will arise interruption of blood flow to the heart, and cause chest pain symptoms. If experiencing symptoms like that must be careful because when the blood circulation to the heart until was lost could cause the sudden death. This condition can be prevented by Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.
Coronary Artery can experience interference, especially in people who have a family with heart disease, also accompanied by diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, and have a bad habit of smoking. When does Coronary Bypass Surgery should be done? This surgery should be performed when the coronary artery was experiencing heart block, so do not get blood at all.
The definition of Coronary Bypass is making the road bypass to the artery that which was stopped so that blood flow was stopped, could go through the road that just was formed. To create a new road was needed layer of the arteries that usually taken from artery or vena saphenous by grafting.
Coronary Artery can experience interference, especially in people who have a family with heart disease, also accompanied by diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, and have a bad habit of smoking. When does Coronary Bypass Surgery should be done? This surgery should be performed when the coronary artery was experiencing heart block, so do not get blood at all.
The definition of Coronary Bypass is making the road bypass to the artery that which was stopped so that blood flow was stopped, could go through the road that just was formed. To create a new road was needed layer of the arteries that usually taken from artery or vena saphenous by grafting.
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